
Townsley Electrical Contractors has amassed extensive experience in a wide variety of installations.


We have wired many homes over the years. High-rise multi-family residential installations pose challenges peculiar to themselves. Over 40 years of experience provides TEC with the expertise to meet and exceed these time and again. Thousands of residents use our electrical systems daily with safety and efficiency.


The reliability of an installation that will not fail is important, but more important than that is the safety of the installation. Industrial projects include hazardous locations, factory settings and other environments that must be taken into serious consideration with regard to the installation of the electrical systems. Townsley Electrical Contractors' track record is unblemished in this respect.

Commercial: Schools / Churches

Schools and churches are known as places of assembly, where people gather for several reasons. As such large crowds gather in these places and as a matter of consequence must disperse as well. In case of emergency, such as fire, people must disperse quickly and efficiently to remain safe. Townsley Electrical Contractors has been entrusted with the safety and emergency lighting of several communities' gathering places, and has served these communities dutifully.

Commercial: Hospitals / Patient Health Care Facilities

There's nothing more important than the health of loved ones. Too often that depends on the professionals in the healthcare industry and the equipment they rely on for diagnosis and treatment of patients. There are very specific requirements for the installation of electrical systems for this equipment as well as lighting, receptacles, emergency and safety systems, etcetera, in these facilities. Townsley Electrical Contractors knows these requirements inside and out.

Commercial: Sports Lighting

We have experience in designing and installing the lighting and power systems on a number of different sport settings including Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis.

Commercial: Swimming Pool and Recreation Facilities

Electricity and water do not mix, but recreation and light do. Proper installation of lighting around and inside pools keeps people safe while enjoying the water. Townsley Electrical Contractors is well versed in safe installation and grounding of pool facilities and equipment.

Commercial: Restaurants

Bright, inviting exteriors entice customers to come into an establishment. Light that fits the mood of the specific type of eatery creates the atmosphere that brings them back. Townsley Electrical Contractors takes great care in paying attention to the details that can make or break both of these.

Commercial: Banking Institutions

There are many special electrical requirements that are unique to the banking industry, such as vault wiring, electronic door locks, ATM installations, drive through vacuum systems, etcetera. Townsley Electrical Contractors has experience in all of these installations.

Commercial: Office / Municipal Buildings

Fire stations use equipment that simply must work. Townsley Electrical Contractors has a record of installations in firehouses and other municipal buildings with essential equipment and systems that speaks for itself.

Commercial: Retail Stores

Proper retail lighting will sell the product. For example, customers will be attracted to cuts of meat that look fresh and vibrant under warm fluorescent lamps, while they will shy away from meat that is a less vibrant red under cool fluorescent lights.

Commercial: Other